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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home Again

He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.
Psalm 23
And so, the camping trip comes to an end. We had a great time together. It was a great to spend time with family without cell phones or Internet to distract us. I feel very rested and ready to tackle another busy week.
As usual, I was ready with my camera to capture the weekend. I think everyone got a little tired of turning around to find a camera in their face, but they'll thank me one day!
Here's just a few of the pictures I took.
We decided to take our Maltipoo, Elly, with us this time. I think this was her favorite part!

Sarah taking a break from setting up camp.

After we were all set up we went for a walk. I found these flowers beside the trail. Aren't they pretty?

These butterflies were so nice and stood still for a picture!

Our walk took us to the little country store on the camp ground. They had a lot of neat stuff, but of course, we were a little distracted by the ice cream!

Cooking Country Fried Steak over a HOT fire.

It started to rain so we turned the trailer into the "kitchen".

My coffee. Okay, I know it's strange to take a picture of your coffee, but you have no idea how much I love coffee! A friend once asked me if I were stranded on a deserted island what three things would I want to have with me? I answered: my Bible, a hairbrush, and a lifetime supply of coffee!

Sarah and Dad after breakfast.

Mom and me.

We had a really bad thunderstorm one night, so we threw everything into the trailer and camped out in the truck. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as predicted and no damage was done.

The "Hillbilly Hotel" as Dad called it.
Really, I only have one regret about the whole trip. Apparently, no one thought to tell me that I am a walking blood bank. I think every mosquito in the state came for a free sample. Despite my many efforts, the first night I acquired around 40 bug bites from my knees down. There are more on my arms, hands, and neck, but it's to depressing to count them. Sarah says my legs look like I have leprosy. Needless to say, I'm not to thrilled about looking like I have a dreaded disease, but she's right, it's looks pretty bad. It's kind of frustrating that no one else had a problem with them though. I guess I must taste better...

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